Friday, July 17, 2009

My Swimmer's Farmer's Tan...

This morning while I was shaving before heading off to work I noticed in the mirror that I have quite a weird tan going on this year. Almost everyone in the shop has the "reverse raccoon" eyes going on from wearing sunglasses so much outside. I also enjoy being outdoors so I usually sport the farmer's tan all year long. Since my profession doesn't involve me showing myself off like a professional bodybuilder or model I'm not too concerned with the tanned arms and head and white torso. If anyone points it out I just mention that I'm a working man and that I don't have time to go to the salon and use a tanning bed or spend hours at the beach. My farmer's tan was going beautiful until I started swimming with one of the guys who is training to compete in a tri-athalon.

We've been hitting the pool a couple times a week and switched to an outdoor pool. Also the first couple of weeks back from Iraq I only worked an hour or two a day so Sarah and I were taking Abby to the pool almost daily. Thanks to my new outdoor fitness program I now have the Swimmer's Farmer's Tan. I have a dark tan on my arms and head, a light tan on my back, and a white chest and stomach. I think that I might need to learn the back stroke to even it out.


Janis said...

At least you have a tan. Here in the land of rain, rain and more rain, there's little hope of damage from the hiding sun. Instead of skin cancer from too much sun, we'll shrivel up from so much rain!

Anonymous said...

It's really too funny that it's something you are inventing... You totally need to copyright it or whatever u would call that..