Saturday, January 12, 2008

Odds and Ends

Abigail was smiling so good this week for us. I thought that I would share it with everyone. She is really starts smiling when you stick out your tongue at her. And she tries to copy you.
Getting ready to go for the day. The dogs were playing and she was giggling a little at them.
I will do better about taking out the red eye before I blog.


Marie said...

What a GREAT smile!! She is SOOO cute in her little summer outfits! *sigh*, time to bundle up and head to church.

Just another Army wife.... said...

Proof she does wake up! HAHA she is so amazing! You guys are doing a really great job with her !

Rufener Family said...

She is such a cute kid! I love her little jacket! And I love the little tongue! How cute!

Tuthill Family said...

Her smile is adorable! And purple is deffinately her color... good thing she has such a cool Aunt! :)

Nicki said...

I love the summer outfits - in January! Can I move in with you?

Zarah said...

She is wicked cute! I love looking at these pictures of her.