Monday, October 1, 2007


Josiah had corrective eye surgery this past week. He is loving being able to see without glasses or contacts. This is a great military benefit. I will update at a later time with his new picture. He is still not allowed to be too much in the light. He goes back to work on Thursday. I have started a spin class. For those of you who don't know what that is, I ride a bike for about an hour and then do a core workout. I am hoping this will help me to loose those extra pounds.


Rufener Family said...

So I think we are going to have to see a picture! :) Hope everything continues to go well with the surgery recovery and the spining class! Sounds like you guys are doing great!

Shawn Butler said...

Wait, is that Lasik? You're telling me that the Military covers Lasik? YOU ARE HOOKED UP!

Ginny and I are totally changing over to your insurance! ha ha ha.
Please post an update on how it went, we are curious.

Nicki said...

Godd for you guys! I remember when I had my surgery, too! It was so liberating! It took a long time for me to stop looking for my glasses though and only a few months ago, did I even throw them away! Get rid of them quick! They'd do you no good now! Congratulations!

Just another Army wife.... said...

Wow I wish I could see. haha Sara you next? Im very happy for you josiah considering you can see and the feild of work you are in seeing is a good thing