Thursday, December 24, 2009

Cute Pictures

Here are some cute pictures of Abigail.

Here she is in her Christmas dress, ready for church (I don't know how we got her to stand still this time):

Here we are looking for the water filter under the frig:

Here she is taking a nap when she wasn't suppose to (can you guess which parent was watching her? Oooppss.):


Tuthill Family said...

Wow - Dad must have really tired her out for her to crash on a chair like that! She's look'n super cute in her Christmas dress though! :)

The Bertone's said...

Gorgeous as always! Merry Christmas!!

Janis said...

She's so sweet! I remember helping my dad with projects. It's a great way to get close to each other plus I learned how to do many things.

TheAlbrechtSquad said...

Aww, that is cute! Love the one of Josiah and her looking under the fridge!

Anonymous said...

Too Cute! It took us a while to get one of Ruger in front of the tree. We weren't headed to church with him though.. ;)